Steer staff and volunteers work hard to make sure all work is done securely, effectively and timely for all of you. Our volunteers, such as John, have been with Steer for about 12 years and makes life so much easier for us and are a joy to have around.
Cherie’s role is versatile with a hand in HR, IT, admin and finance, and multiple other things. The most inspiring part of her job is working people; with the team, people in the mission field and being able to assist ministry partners.
A lot of it has to do with people, having that supporter contact, it’s always nice to chat with the older generation on the phone. It’s really inspiring to hear their stories, getting to know where they’ve been and what they’ve done.
What is your ultimate goal in your work?
Just to improve constantly in what I’m doing, especially getting your skillset to a certain point where you can then pass it on to someone else and they can grow. To share the love and grow the team and for all of us to benefit from each other. And my goal is not to be National Director even though that’s what Garth tells me.
What’s the best thing you can say about Steer?
It’s being able to serve the Lord doing what we do and the purpose behind what we’re doing. And working in a Christian organisation.
What advice would you give someone who wants to partner with Steer?
Let me send you a flyer!
Finish this sentence: The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is … To be yourself.
Finish this sentence: If I were a superhero, my superpower would be … to make everything good and happy.
Garth has been with Steer for five years, and the most inspiring part of his job is the team he works with and the people he meets, especially those who have been long time partners of Steer and their vision.
“In my role I am able to visit from one side of Australia to the other and find immensely generous people wherever I go.”
What is your ultimate goal in work?
My goal in my work is to have every person in Australia – within reason – to hear and clearly understand the work of Steer. Steer is not for everybody but for those who are able to use Steer, we want to give them the understanding and the opportunity.
What is the best thing you can say about Steer?
Honesty and integrity would be the foundation. But the fact that it has a very clear mandate to send as much finance as possible for the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What advice would you give someone who wants to partner with Steer?
Ask as many questions as possible to get as clear an understanding as you can as to whether Steer is the best option for you.
Finish this sentence: If I were a superhero, my superpower would be … the ability to connect with people.
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a child? A doctor because they help people.
As Finance and Risk Manager, Hue keeps an eye on the financials, the risks, policy and procedures of what is happening at Steer. Previously, Hue’s largely worked with companies whose focus was on profitability, but since joining Steer almost three years, he has discovered that things work differently, with the emphasis being on the financial contribution to missions.
It’s more like God’s work and the people we work with, it’s very important.
What is your ultimate goal in your work?
To help grow the company so that we can give more to mission and outreach. That’s the objective of Steer.
What’s the best thing you can say about Steer?
It’s growing. It’s been operating for the last 62 years, and I can see that we have been growing every year in terms of our distribution that we are giving.
What advice would you give someone who wants to partner with Steer?
Well, we have been established for 62 years and we have not lost any money, what I’m saying is that it serves the purpose for the Christian faith, and why we are doing this is, that’s it, to increase the contribution to the missions and outreach.
Finish this sentence: The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is … Work hard, work smart.
Finish this sentence: My favourite words in the English language are … Let’s go!
Robin has a variety of tasks in her job including communicating with Steer partners and doing due diligence on any missions receiving Steer funds. The most inspiring part of her job is getting to know the different missions and the different work that they do, from an organisation that supports Jewish and Arab pastors in Israel, to the Fisherman’s Mission in the UK, to a weeklong debriefing/quiet retreat in New Zealand, and a mission in Pakistan building wells.
In my very small bubble, I had never heard of such things!
What is your ultimate goal in your work?
To fulfil what I do, to be inspired and to inspire others.
What values are important to you?
Integrity, faithfulness and truthfulness. They’re kind of all connected.
What advice would you give someone who wants to partner with Steer?
There are so many different ways so just choose the best vehicle for you.
Finish this sentence: If I were a superhero, my superpower would be … to help people see Jesus.
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a child? An accountant because my dad was an accountant – I had no idea what it was but that’s what I wanted to be
Jessie Xiao is the most recent staff member to join the team and is a few months into her role as Bookkeeper. Having started her career as a public accountant, Jessie enjoys working with Christian organisations as they align with her faith. Jessie believes God gives us the talents and skills to serve Him and serve the community.
This job is not only to pay my bills but also a meaningful ministry. I can see the ways I can contribute to help this ministry grow.
What is your ultimate goal in your work?
I often pray every day when I come to work so that God will help me to enjoy what I’m doing and that I would do my best according to His purpose and will. Even on days when I might encounter some technical issues, I feel like, in everything give thanks.
What’s the best thing you can say about Steer?
Steer is a really good organisation. I was surprised! I didn’t know because in my circles people don’t know what Steer does, but I have found it’s such a meaningful ministry. I find that we’re using the same tools of building wealth but for God, for heaven.
What advice would you give a candidate who wants to partner with Steer?
From top to bottom, we are doing everything to serve. We are here to help others to be in a better position. Every single dollar will go to missions, that’s the part I find fascinating and made me think, yes, I want to be part of this.
What values are important to you?
Humility: when a person is humble there is room to grow, to improve, to be teachable. Integrity. Accountability: being accountable for yourself and accountable before God.
Finish this sentence: The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is …
Be thankful in all circumstances.
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a child?
A peacemaker.
John has been a volunteer with Steer for 11 years. He is a faithful and warm presence who loves to practice hospitality, showing up most weeks to the office with food, believing that meals encourage fellowship.
The Christian life is a practical life. The Lord says it’s better to give than to receive and I practice that in many ways.
How long have you been at Steer?
11 years. Previously, I was with MAF for 34 years as an accountant. When I retired, Richard Dickins (Steer board member) said, “John, come on, I want you here at Steer as a volunteer.” So, I came.
What do you do?
Pick up mail, do banking, I do whatever they don’t want to do. I also come here and make noise: I break the ice, I sing, and I whistle a Hmyn.
What is your ultimate goal in your work?
To serve the Lord.
What’s the best thing you can say about Steer?
Garth is good. This fellow is jolly good, he’s funny, I can laugh and joke with him. I have been here for many years, so I have seen the changes. Garth promotes Steer, he goes out and meets people, he treats staff and volunteers well – you’ve got to look after your sheep when you’re a shepherd.
What values are important to you?
Faith. Practice your faith. Try to be a good example.
What advice would you give a candidate who wants to partner with Steer?
It all depends on whether he is a Christian and is willing to serve the Lord. Is he willing to give? Not giving is holding people back.
You want to serve the Lord? Come and serve the Lord here. Come and spread the word through missions.
Also, I’m looking forward to when Steer introduces a Chinese leaflet in Mandarin. I believe this will encourage many people to partner with Steer.
Finish this sentence: The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is …
To love the Lord and serve Him.
Finish this sentence: My words in the English language are … To serve, to strive and not to yield.
When I was in my teens living in Malaysia, I went to an Outward Bound program which is like a camp where they teach young people for 25 days everything about resilience as a human being, and their motto is “To serve, to strive and not to yield.” It impacted my life.
Finish this sentence: If I were a superhero, my superpower would be … to serve the Lord.
Steer is incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 as a company limited by guarantee. It is registered with, and reports through, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). To search for Steer on the ACNC website use the full name “Steer Incorporated”.
An independent, registered auditor audits our financial records annually and an annual financial report is filed with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.
For more information please view Steer’s ASIC Identification Statement.
Because Steer Incorporated is a tax exempt charity, income earned by us is distributed to missions and outreach both in Australia and overseas.