Australia is a large country and seldom do all farming communities experience drought or good rainfall in the same season.
Last year much of NSW and Qld experienced low to Zero rainfall whilst most of the Mallee, Wimmera and Western Districts of Victoria experienced a very good year. Sth Australia was varied as was Western Australia. Through Steer Partners, some farmers who needed extra workers throughout harvest were able to contact people who needed work because of the drought in their area.
With the drought changing my regular work schedule I was looking at having very little work for November and December. I had finished a stint of wool classing at Warren and traveling home to Parkes, received a phone call from Maurice Davey, “Grey West” Alectown asking if I could call in to talk with him.
As we finished talking Maurice said he had a phone number from Garth Grant, of a family in Victoria needing a header driver.
I rang and talked to Jeremy Watson and so began a wonderful time of working for the Watson family at Berriwillock, Victoria for 5 ½ weeks.
“We saw this as God’s provision for ourselves and the Watson’s. I am in awe of God, and the way he uses his people to bless and provide for each other.”

Steer Incorporated hopes to connect people through our website to fill the needs of workers and employers, either interstate or across town.
Whether you are looking for work or looking for workers, please leave your details on this page.