Here is a story from a woman who Prison Network met in-prison, and were honoured to walk alongside post release: Meet Michelle Not sure where to start here, so let’s
Remember Shortwave Radio? Would you consider it an effective medium to reach people with the message of Christ today? Fifteen years ago, faced with whether to keep or discard shortwave
We are certainly living in (dare I say it) unprecedented times. Since the Second World War, people have not heard such severe directives from their governments nor seen such restrictions
I was looking at something that our previous National Director wrote and was reflecting on it. I love fishing but don’t get out as much as I would like!! Also
Steer Incorporated has some wonderful news of God’s provision! As we have been praying and many of you with us for a new office facility, God has provided.
With the drought changing my regular work schedule I was looking at having very little work for November and December. I had finished a stint of wool classing at Warren
Garth will be known to some of our Ministry Partners and Mission Organisations. He is passionate about God, people and Christian ministries. His goal has always been to see people
Melbourne Prayer Breakfast We work to see transformation in individual lives and the community through a wide range of local initiatives. Achieving this can mean dealing with the most practical
Jesus gave the example of cultivated earth (soil) to show we need to build relationships with people to plant the seed of salvation in their hearts. He then brings it